What is the GC Executive Committee?
The second highest governing body of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, after General Conference Session, which occurs every five years. In between Sessions, the Executive Committee is delegated the authority to act on behalf of the General Conference in Session.
It has the power to appoint committees, such as the administrative committee, which reviews, changes and creates working policies to approve strategic plans and programs for the world Church, to employ personnel that may be necessary to execute its work effectively; Elect or remove, for cause, officers, directors, and associate directors of departments/associations/services and committee members and fill any vacancies that may occur in its offices (“For cause” is used in reference to removing a person from an elected or appointed position); Effect the retirement of an elected or appointment position before the expiration of a term for which they have been elected.
When does the Executive Committee meet?
During two annual meetings, Annual Council and Spring Meetings.
Annual Council
Annual Council is held every year, usually in the month of October, for considering budgets from the divisions, making appropriations, and transacting of business and/or adoption of policy pertaining to the operation of the worldwide field. It is held at Church’s World Headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland, or at another location that may be voted by the Executive Committee.
During Annual Council, the Executive Committee also has authority to schedule major meetings. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called anytime by the ranking officer of the General Conference. Major items affecting the world Church are also considered at the Annual Council meetings.
Local conference/mission/field presidents are invited to attend Annual Council meetings of the GC Executive Committee when it is held within the territory of their Division.
Spring Meeting
Spring Meeting is held annually, usually in the month April (which is springtime in the Northern Hemisphere).
During this time, the Executive Committee receives the audited financial reports of the General Conference and transacts regular Executive Committee business.
Who is on the Executive Committee?
Leaders of Denomination Organizational Structures
- General Conference
- President
- Executive Secretary
- Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer
- General Vice Presidents
- Undersecretary
- Undertreasurer
- Field Secretaries
- Associate Secretaries
- Associate Treasurers
- Department Directors
- Division
- Presidents
- Executive Secretaries
- Treasurers/Chief Financial Officers
- Presidents of Unions
- Past presidents of the General Conference holding credentials from the General Conference
Leaders of the Church’s Entities and Institutions
- President-Executive Director of Adventist Development and Relief Agency International
- President-Executive Director of Adventist World Radio
- President and Board Chair of the Ellen G. White Estate
- President of Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
- President of Adventist Risk Management, Inc.
- President of Adventist University of Africa
- President of Andrews University
- President of Hope Channel, Inc.
- President of Loma Linda University Adventist Health Sciences Center
- Director of Archives, Statistics and Research
- Director of the Biblical Research Institute
- Director of the Geoscience Research Institute
- Editor of Adventist Review, Adventist World
- Editor of the Adult Bible Study Guide
- Editor of Ministry
Denominational Employees, Laymembers, Young Adults
Up to 40 members-at-large: No fewer than fifteen and no more than twenty additional members selected by the General Conference Executive Committee from denominational retirees and current employees, including pastors, teachers, and other frontline employees. AND No fewer than fifteen and no more than twenty members selected by the General Conference Executive Committee from laity including young adults.
Three laypersons and one church pastor from each division without regard to membership size up to 500,000, one additional church pastor or other frontline denominational employee for each additional 500,000 members or major portion thereof.