The General Conference is dedicated to offering resources that help you understand the Adventist Church and its structure, as well as helping to enrich your faith and deepen your relationship with God. Here you can find links to a collection of resources, including official statements, magazines for different interests and age groups, the most up-to-date Church Manual, as well as the official Adventist Yearbook. Each publication is designed to provide valuable insights, guidance, and support for your spiritual growth and understanding of the Adventist community.
From time to time, Seventh-day Adventists find it important to articulate their understanding of certain important topics in light of their understanding of biblical values and teachings. Below is a collection of these statements on issues ranging from religious freedom to assault weapons.
The Church Manual describes the governance, operations and functions of local churches. Download the complete Church Manual It has come to our attention that part of an amendment to the Church Manual voted in July of 2015 was unintentionally excluded from the revised Church Manual. The section which appears on page 127 should read: Who…
The Adventist Yearbook, available both in print and online, is full of facts and figures on entities, and on institutions established, owned, or controlled by officially recognized Seventh-day Adventist organizations. It’s a wealth of information and serves as a very useful resource for tracking the growth and development of the Adventist Church worldwide.
The General Conference serves the world church by producing a wide variety of publications and magazines. They are targeted at specific age or interest groups to help readers grow closer to God and develop their faith. The publications below help to equip Adventists as they share their faith with others.
- Adventist Review
- Adventist World
- Dialogue Magazine
- Dynamic Steward
- Elder’s Digest
- Journal of Adventist Education
- The Literature Evangelist
- Ministry Magazine (English / French)
- Mission 360
- Mission Quarterly
- Sabbath School Lessons:
- Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook
- The Journal for Pastoral Spouses (Shepherdess)
- Public Campus Ministries
- Publishing Digest
- Snapshots of Hope
Adventist Review
Launched by Adventist co-founders James and Ellen White in 1849, the Adventist Review is not only the longest-running publication in the Adventist Church but it is one of the oldest religious publications in North America. Nowadays, the Adventist Review publishes both a monthly print magazine with a paid circulation of about 30,000 and a number of innovative digital offerings including its website, a podcast and digital TV programming.
Adventist World
Adventist World has soared in international popularity since it kicked off in 2005. The magazine prints monthly in seven different languages. It is distributed for free to over 140 countries. Digitally, Adventist World is available in 12 languages.
Dialogue Magazine
Aimed at Seventh-day Adventist college and university students, teachers, chaplains, and professionals around the world, Dialogue is an international journal of faith, thought, and action. It is published by the Committee on Adventist Ministry to College and University Students (AMiCUS.) Dialogue comes out three times a year in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish. The magazine aims to strengthen the faith of university students and tackle questions and issues relevant to sharing faith on university campuses.
Dynamic Steward
Dynamic Steward is published as a magazine app featuring materials on how best to take care of the gifts God has given each of us. The app features articles on overcoming financial stress; generosity in giving and how to think about money as a tool for good.
Elder’s Digest
No, it’s not a retirement magazine. Local church elders, deacons and deaconesses will find a lot of tips and resources for how to do effective church work from reading the quarterly Elder’s Digest. Need practical ideas and encouragement for local church ministry? Elder’s Digest is for you.
Journal of Adventist Education
As the title suggests, this is a publication for Adventists educators. The Journal of Adventist Education is particularly interested in the nexus of faith and learning. The publication includes articles that examine educational theory and practice with an emphasis on creative methods to boost classroom effectiveness.
The Literature Evangelist
The Literature Evangelist publishes articles of special interest to individuals and teams that both sell and give away Adventist books and other literature to the public. The publication is a source of inspiration and excellent tips for enhanced effectiveness in this field of work.
Ministry Magazine (English / French)
Pastors are the primary target for Ministry Magazine. Published by the Ministerial Association, Ministry is aimed at both Adventist ministers and pastors from other churches. The monthly circulation of the magazine is about 18,000 among Adventist church leaders. In addition, Ministry has a bi-monthly circulation of about 60,000 clergy from other denominations that get the magazine for free.
Mission 360
With action-packed stories from Adventist missionaries around the world, Mission 360 Magazine inspires believers at home as well as those on the front lines sharing the Bible. This magazine talks about both the ups and the downs of missionaries serving globally to help their friends understand the Bible and find freedom, healing and hope in Jesus.
Mission Quarterly
The Mission Quarterly features weekly stories of Adventists sharing the news of the love of Jesus with their friends. These accounts are an important part of the weekly Sabbath School Lesson that Adventists study during the week in anticipation of group discussion on Saturdays.
Sabbath School Lessons:
The weekly and quarterly Sabbath School Lesson is one of the most-utilized Bible study publications in the Adventist Church. Members of all ages study it in preparation for group discussion in Sabbath School which takes place every Saturday.
Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide
The Adult Bible Study Guide offers an in-depth Bible Study on a given theme each quarter of the year. Each week is focused on a specific lesson and contains a relevant text that members are encouraged to commit to memory.
Beginner (Teacher and Student) SAB
The Beginner version of the quarterly and weekly Sabbath School Lesson teaches Bible lessons using material appropriate to infants and toddlers aged 0-2. It’s never too early to learn about Jesus.
Cornerstone Connections
Cornerstone Connections is a Sabbath School lesson aimed at teens. Cornerstone Connections lessons are based on a condensed version of five books called the Conflict of the Ages series. The books, written by Adventist pioneer Ellen White, examine God’s role throughout history.
Inverse (Formerly Collegiate Quarterly)
The Inverse Sabbath School publication caters to the needs of young adults. It is designed for young people that are interested in a deeper understanding of the Bible as well as the freedom, healing and hope to be found in Jesus.
Kids aged 3-4 are the target age for the Kindergarten version of the Sabbath School quarterly and lesson. The activities and videos are great!
Junior PowerPoints
Junior PowerPoints is the Sabbath School Bible Study Guide created specifically for elementary school children aged 10-14. The curriculum is based on a four-year cycle and features Bible lessons in chronological order from Genesis to Revelation.
Primary (Teacher and Student)
Primary Sabbath School lessons are created for children aged 5-9. A suite of study materials including Bible story videos and special resources for teachers is available to make Bible study come alive for this age group.
Real-Time Faith Bible Study Guides
Real-Time Faith is the Sabbath School Bible Study Guide specifically tailored to early teenagers, aged 13-14. RTF is about God’s kingdom of grace and the opportunity for those that study the Bible and develop a relationship with Jesus, to be recruited as agents or stewards of the kingdom. The lessons tackle the different challenges, rights, or privileges in “real-time” of being an agent of God’s kingdom.
The Journal for Pastoral Spouses (Shepherdess)
The Journal For Pastoral Spouses serves the spouses of ministers and comes out four times yearly. It is published by the Ministerial Spouses Association, an entity of the General Conference Ministerial Association. Published in English, it is translated into French, Spanish, Russian, Indonesian, Portuguese and several Indian dialects. The Journal has a circulation of approximately 10,000 worldwide.
Public Campus Ministries
Seventh-day Adventist university students attending secular or other schools that aren’t Adventist, need special support. Public Campus Ministries caters to the spiritual needs of these Adventist students and publishes Around The World, a monthly newsletter. This publication serves to inform and inspire Adventist students globally, as they organize to support each other in their faith, and reach out to their fellow students.
Publishing Digest
The Publishing Digest offers news and stories from Adventists sharing literature that helps people understand the Bible and find freedom, healing and hope in Jesus. Published monthly, this magazine inspires leaders that sell and give away inspirational material to the public.
Snapshots of Hope
The monthly publication Snapshots of Hope is a platform to share inspiring stories from the front line where Adventist literature helps thousands of people every day to understand the Bible and find freedom, healing and hope in Jesus.
Annual Statistical Report
The Annual Statistical Report is a yearly digital publication of the Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research that includes information from the Adventist Church around the world. The report includes information about membership, institutions, and mission with a focus on how the church is meeting the goals of its strategic plan.